I’ll be the first to admit that finishing strong is not for the faint of heart. It’s a serious strategy for serious competitors who want serious results.
What goal are you passionately pursuing?
Perhaps it’s running a marathon, writing a book, composing music, climbing a mountain, college degree or crushing your sales quota…
Whatever it is…you’ll find the inspiration you need to finish the day, project or race strong with this inspiring collection of finish strong articles.
Finishing Strong is the Only Respectable Way to Finish
Seven Steps to a Strong Finish
Accelerate Your Goals By 1000% — Part One
Accelerate Your Goals By 1000% — Part Two
How to Avoid an Embarrassing Finish
Glory Awaits You at The Finish Line
Get Off Your Ass and Drive Results
The Loudest Cheers Are At The Finish Line
How Michael Phelps Won 23 Gold Medals
The Game is Won in The 4th Quarter
Great Rewards Come From Great Commitment
Follow The Plan. Reap The Rewards.
How to Crush Your 4th Quarter Goals
Greg Lemond — Great Comeback in Cycling History
Your Job is to Unleash Your Greatness
Click Here to Perform an After Action Review
Click Here to Learn How to 10X in 100 Days
By challenging yourself to FINISH STRONG, you are pushing yourself beyond any previously imagined comfort zone and performance standard.
You will be expected to pass tests which tempt you to quit. And you will be required to pay the high price that success demands while entering new psychological waters.
Trust me on this one…you really do want your competitors to see you get dirty, sweaty and stinky…
Go right ahead and let them see you struggle with adversity, show them that you are prepared, willing and able to out-work, out-hustle and out-suffer them because in the end…
Finishing strong is fueled by a heart-pounding, ego-bashing, soul searching test of your limits!
The 100 Day Challenge is a rapid execution system used by more than 675,000 high-achievers to achieve life-changing results in 100 days. Don’t do it unless you want spectacular results.
The strategies you’ll learn in the 100 Day Challenge have elected a president, grown non-profit causes, won gold medals and fueled movements. Now it’s your turn to win bigger faster!